
🪄🪄🪄 Create Magic / Stunning / Amazing Designs on Oqtane 🪄🪄🪄

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cre8magic – Magic Menu

A core challenge with any website is creating great menus. There are actually three distinct problems to solve:

  1. Managing multiple menus on the same page
    • the main menu
    • possibly a side-menu with sub-pages
    • a footer menu for disclaimer and privacy
    • multiple menus in the footer for mega-footers with many links
  2. Configuration for selecting the pages which should appear in the menu
    • where to start (like a menu which start at level 2)
    • what pages to show (like all the pages on level 2 - or only their children)
    • how deep to go (do we show submenus?)
  3. Design for styling of each node based on the context
    • is the current node selected? add active
    • is the current node a parent of the selected node? add is-parent
    • is the current node a dropdown for pages beneath it…

Manage Multiple Menus

The MagicMenu gives each menu a name, such as Main, Sidebar, Footer etc. You can determine these names in the Razor files.

Each of these menus can then be configured in the JSON. By default, each menu will find it’s configuration and it’s design based on the same name. So the Main menu would take the configuration and design called Main.

But you can also reconfigure this. For example, you could say that the Theme Sidebar will use the configuration TopLevelOnly for the Main menu. This is configured in the parts of the themes section of the JSON file.

The menu configuration determines some important aspects such as

All this is configured in the menus section of the JSON.

Start Values

These are accepted values of the node start:

The following parameters will also influece what is shown on the first level:


The depth must always be at least 1 and determines how many levels downwards the nodes are rendered.

This is one of the most sophisticated bits of the JSON settings. You can configure this in the menuDesigns section of the JSON. Note that this uses the Magic Classes and Magic Tokens. Example:

"menuDesigns": {
  "Mobile": {
    "ul": {
      "byLevel": {
        "1": "navbar-nav",
        "-1": "collapse theme-submenu-[Menu.Id]-[Page.Id]"
      "inBreadcrumb": "show"
    "li": {
      "classes": "nav-item nav-[Page.Id] position-relative",
      "hasChildren": "has-child",
      "isActive": "active",
      "isDisabled": "disabled"
    "a": {
      "classes": "nav-link mobile-navigation-link",
      "isActive": "active"
    "span": {
      "classes": "nav-item-sub-opener",
      "inBreadcrumb": [ null, "collapsed" ]
    // Special target information (not really styling) usually on the span-tag
    "data-bs-target": ".theme-submenu-[Menu.Id]-[Page.Id]"

This means a lot of things, but let’s highlight some aspects:

  1. the surrounding <ul> tag will get the navbar-nav class at the first level; all others will get collapse and others
  2. the <ul> will also get a menu and page specific class because of the theme-submenu-[Menu.Id]-[Page.Id] which is useful for the collapse identification in bootstrap
  3. the <li> of each node will get some classes including an active if it’s the current page, and has-child if it has children so that the bootstrap menu will do it’s magic
  4. the <a> link itself will also have different classes based on active
  5. the <span> is used to show a +/- indicator using the nav-item-sub-opener
  6. …and it will also get’s collapsed if it’s not in the breadcrumb (so it’s only opened if a sub-page is the current page)
  7. and a special attribute used by bootstrap data-bs-target will have the same contents as the identifying class of the surrounding <ul> to ensure bootstrap will work

Missing Features

  1. As of now you cannot filter out specific pages. For this you would still need to write your own code or construct your nav-tree for special cases.
  2. You cannot link to page in another language, as Oqtane doesn’t really have this concept yet.


  1. Added in v0.0.1 2022-10 with 80% coverage of what DDR Menu had in DNN